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As a Carte Wealth Management Inc. Representative I am engaged in various business activities including being a

registered Mutual Funds Salesperson, a licensed Life Insurance Advisor, a Member of an Association and a Landlord

and represent separate companies for each purpose. As such, you may be dealing with more than one company

depending on the products purchased, or services rendered. Remuneration also varies with the products purchased,

or services rendered. I will be representing Carte Wealth Management Inc. for the sale of mutual fund products and

will provide you with the name of the entity that I represent while conducting business as a licensed Life Insurance

Advisor, as a Member and as a Landlord. The business activities relating to my position as a licensed Life Insurance

Advisor, my position as a Member and my position as a Landlord are not the business of, or under the supervision of

Carte Wealth Management Inc., and Carte Wealth Management Inc. will not be liable or responsible for such



I, Chemayne D’Souza, am a registered mutual fund salesperson represented by Carte Wealth Management Inc.


1. I am also a licensed Life Insurance Advisor with Carte Risk Management Inc., an insurance managing general

agency, and Blue Harbour Financial, an insurance associate general agency. Any activity relating to my

occupation as a licensed Life Insurance Advisor is not the business of, or under the supervision of, Carte

Wealth Management Inc., and Carte Wealth Management Inc. will not be liable or responsible for such



2. I am also a Member of Advocis, a volunary professional membership association of financial advisors in

Canada. Any activity relating to my occupation as a Member is not the business of, or under the supervision

of, Carte Wealth Management Inc., and Carte Wealth Management Inc. will not be liable or responsible for

such activities.


3. I am also a self‐employed Landlord, whereby I rent out a residential unit that I own in return for rental income.

Any activity relating to my occupation as a Landlord is not the business of, or under the supervision of, Carte

Wealth Management Inc., and Carte Wealth Management Inc. will not be liable or responsible for such



I, Chemayne D’Souza, wish this distinction to be clear, and if you are not sure of the difference, let us discuss it, or I

can suggest sources from which you can obtain the necessary explanation. Our self‐regulatory organization, The

Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (“MFDA”), has rules which state that the distinction between these

business activities must be clear and that you understand the difference for the purposes of this transaction.

Contact one of our branches.


1000-2680 Skymark Ave

Mississauga, Ontario

L4W 5L6

Phone:  (807)628-4084

Fax:  (905)238-8197



3172 Golden Link Crescent

Vancouver, British Columbia

V5S 4M3

Phone:  (604)437-3600

Fax:  (778)371-9078

Cell:  (604)782-4334


208-73 N. Cumberland Street

Thunder Bay, Ontario

P7A 4L8

Phone:  (807)286-5342

Fax:  (807)623-8690


Copyright 2019 © Blue Harbour Financial Inc.

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